Do you struggle with studying and finding motivation during this pandemic?
Lots of students during these difficult times are finding it hard to find the
motivation to study, but there are many different ways to combat this! By
having all your lessons online, it means that your workload increases by a
lot, not being able to communicate with teachers and tutors stresses you
out, and struggling to fit all this work and studying in can be a challenge.
But trying to take each day a step at a time and each task a step at a time
helps reduce your stress and your workload a little bit at a time.
If you are interested in tea, coffee or even herbal tea, having one whilst studying can
be seen to help.
The first step that you could take to help you through this
would be to get a piece of paper and separate it into either the different
subjects that you take or the different modules that you do, putting them as
a heading. Under each heading, make a list of every task that you have to
do for that subject or module. This enables you to be able to visually see all
the tasks that you have to complete for each subject, which means that
when you go to try to complete these tasks you have a clear frame of mind
and you aren’t then trying to remember all the different tasks you have to
The second step that you could take is to try and work out which
of your tasks are a priority, for example if you have an exam in a couple of
days, revision for this exam would take priority. So on your piece of paper
you could number the tasks that you have to complete in order of priority,
then you have a clear list of which task comes first and is the top priority of
The third and final step that you could take is to try and organise
your studying time into small blocks of however long works for you, so for
me personally I break down my studying time into two hour blocks as that
works best for me. I found that an hour wasn’t long enough for me, and
then three hours was too much for my attention span. Some people find that
twenty or twenty five minute blocks work best for them as it is little bursts
of studying. For example, if you have college or university between 9am and
2pm then you could lay out your blocks between 3pm and 6pm so 3pm till
3.20pm then 3.30pm till 3:50pm, but do make sure that you take little
breaks in between your study blocks, in order to help with your attention
span and your focus on the tasks.
Hope this helps you all struggling through these strange times.
Submitted by Jess T