We all know how important it is to your consolidation & understanding to get involved with class discussions & ask questions when you have them but I get it, it can be super scary …
So here’s my top tips to go from shy girl in the back to discussion leader (because that’s what I was like!)
1. Fake it till you make it
I’m sure you’ve heard this a million times but for me this was VITAL. Shifting your mindset to be confident will mean your body & feelings will follow. I can't tell you how this actually works (I wish I could), all I can say is that from personal experience I know this works.
Turn up to that class & pretend you’re super confident. Give yourself a pep talk before you go through the classroom door & ask all the questions you have, I promise you’ll soon ACTUALLY feel it!
2. Get into daily affirmations
I don't know if you have tried using an affirmation before but these are a little splash of real magic. Affirmations help shift your sub-conscious & re-programme your mind to believe anything you want. So use them to your advantage & grab a boost of confidence.
Stand in front of a mirror, look yourself right in the eye & tell your self you are a confident queen EVERYDAY for the next 30 days. You'll need to do them daily for a little while for it to start to sink in & let the re-programming begin.
3. Remind yourself that other people's opinions don't count I feel like most of the time our confidence dips is because we think people are analysing our every move. I get what it feels like being in a class room with the 'confident' kids & how you're too scared to move a muscle incase it draws attention to you. We are so scared to embarrass ourselves by saying something wrong so we never speak up.
What if I told you that no one is actually looking at you?
What if I told you that everyone is too caught up in worrying about themselves that they don't actually care what you do?
No one is sat there analysing your every move like you may be internally.
So speak up in class & watch no one care! (in the nicest way possible haha)
Get those questions answered & get those grades you deserve!
How are you feeling in terms of confidence?